All posts by Todd Roll

Give to Columbia Riverkeeper through GIVE! Guide for $20 off anything at Pedal

Columbia Riverkeeper is proud to be a part of Willamette Week’s 2012 GIVE! Guide

Columbia Riverkeeper has been selected to take part in this year’s Willamette Week GIVE! GuideYou have from November 7th to December 31st to donate through the GIVE! Guide.

We’ll be keeping you up to date on all things GIVE! Guide from now until the end of the year, so please follow us on FacebookTwitter, and YouTube.

The GIVE! Guide was founded in 2004 and its mission is to instill giving habits to Portlanders under the age of 36 as well as raise consciousness about nonprofits in the community and funds to support their work. Last year, more than 5,000 people gave nearly $1.6 million to 100 local nonprofits. We are honored to have been chosen as one of 100 nonprofits to be featured after a competitive application process, and we’re pleased as punch to have this opportunity to be featured in a publication that is distributed to 80,000 Portlanders each week! Learn more about GIVE! Guide and follow them on FacebookTwitter, and YouTube.

Give to Columbia Riverkeeper through GIVE! Guide for special incentives!

Willamette Week generously offers great treats for different levels of giving, like deliveries of Stumptown Coffee, Alma Chocolate, and the Chinook Book (this includes coupons and discounts to hundreds of local businesses). See all the great local deals and stuff you could score:

If you Give! $10 – $499

You get: A postcard loaded with coupons good for discounts and free items all over town. There will be two levels of postcards–one for those donating between $10 and $99, and another for those donating $100 to $499.

$10 – $99

Music Millennium – $3 off
Pedal Bike Tours – $20 discount with any retail purchase
Salt & Straw – Free Scoop
Stumptown – Free cup of French Press


Wednesday Coffee and Donuts- And Something Else To Celebrate

What a beautiful day on the Hawthorne Bridge!  Bright sunshine greeted us, along with even more commuters than usual.  Yesterday’s election coupled with the brilliant weather brought people out in droves.  Many thankful and joyous riders stopped to have a cup, a donut and a chat with us.  Thanks to all who stopped and enjoyed the morning with us!

And, actually we have a question for you guys. We’re currently looking at integrating coffee more into our tours or at the shop. Would you prefer if we brew it ourselves using something like this, or make a quick stop to a Stumptown on the way?


Scott communing with some happy donut eaters.


Join us tomorrow from 7:45-9:30 on the Broadway bridge!






Tuesday Morning Wrap-up (with a little Monday on the side)

Good Morning!

Our fearless leader, taking on the mornings – One donut and cup of coffee at a time.

What a beautiful morning it was on the Steel Bridge! It was so nice to talk with some of you, daily commuters, as you braved the crisp cold air this morning.  Thanks to everyone that stopped by for some morning rewards and a nice chat. Seeing everyone riding bikes to work, or home, this morning brought a new appreciation for the city and everyone in it. Whether you all were taking a break from your commute or ride or whirling by, smiles were all around by the handful. Hope you all enjoy your Tuesday!

Here’s one awesome commuter and her sweet bike

 The Hawthorne Bridge  brought us some great stories to kick off the morning and a lot of squeaky brakes.

If you haven’t seen this already, you really should, it’s pretty neat! Here is the bike counter stats from the Hawthorne Bridge for the last 30 days.

Portland has a new iconic mural!

You can see it now and forever outside Pedal Bike Tours at 133 SW 2nd Avenue.


According to the League of American Bicyclists, Portland is the most bicycle friendly large city in the United States, and here at Pedal Bike Tours we think that’s something worth celebrating… in a BIG way.

We’ve just put the final touches on a new 4-story mural in the heart of our Old Town neighborhood. Now tourists coming in for a sightseeing tour at Pedal, visiting the Saturday Market or enjoying some Stumptown Coffee or Voodoo Donuts around the corner, can experience Portland’s love of bikes, and have yet another great photo opportunity. And for locals… we can revel in the pride of a 6% bicycle commuter rate, and always push the bar higher… or BIGGER.